

1 Mukhi


It is the most powerful rudraksh and has the same powers like that of 14-mukhi. It represents Lord Shiva and Lord Bramha. It irradicates the sin of Bramha-Hatya. Goddess Laxmi resides in the house where 1-mukhi is being prayed.
It saves from all types of losses and fear.It gives success in all kinds of wishes and leads to MOKSHA. The enemy of the user of this is himself defeated gives mental peace and remover of all types of troubles.

It is most rare. Its shape resembles to cashew-nut or say half-moon. It does not have hole it it nor hole should be made over it. The cash box in which it is kept is never emptied.

| Om Rudra Ek Vaktrasya |

|| Om Reem Namah ||