

10 Mukhi


It represents Lord Vishnu and the DasAvtar: Machha, Krishna, Ram, Kachhyapa, Varraha, Nrusingha, Vamana, Parsuram, Budha and the Kalki avatar. Using this praises Das-Digpal: Kuber, Indra, Agni, Yama,Nairurti,Varuna, Vayu, Ishana, Anatha and Bramha. It gives success in all the directions.
It clears off all the sins created by the Das-Indriya. The user of this need not be dependent of any planetary support. It helps in achieving respect in the society and gives political success. It helps in increasing wealth. It fulfills all types of worldly wishes. It removes fear of witchcraft, ghost, evil spirits and enemies.

| Om Aksham Dash Vaktrasya |

|| Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Greem Om ||