

15 Mukhi


This Rudraksha is related to fifteen tithi (i.e.; Indian calendar dates). The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi ( method of purification & charging with Mantra) will get success on all the seven days of the week in his all ventures.
He attains power and success in all of his works. The wearer of this Rudraksha has strong wit and intelligence. He talks with different people and at different places as per the place and opposite person with his Brains and intelligence and wins the discussions.
This Rudraksha increases the Sperm in males and makes him very strong. The person who wear this Rudraksha he gains all the comforts and happiness in his life.

| Om Nam Chaturdash Vaktrasys |

|| Om Phaum Sphe Khaphare Hrirtron Hamsaphre ||