

16 Mukhi


This Rudraksha is related to Sixteen Kala (i.e.; attainments and Siddhi). The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi ( method of purification & charging with Mantra) will get success in his all the ventures.
This Rudraksha invokes 16 Kala of Moon in the wearer and opens the passage of 16 attainments. He attains 16 Siddhis and attainments. The wearer of this Rudraksha becomes devotee of the almighty God and live his life on the passage of Satya (Truth) and gains the Punya of 7 birth.
It is the form of 16 Shakti (Power). It is said that Arjun strike the Eye of fish while wearing this Rudraksha. The wearer of this Rudraksha no longer remains an ordinary person; he will become a powerful person. This Rudraksha gives all comforts and liberate the wearer from all the sins.

| Om Nam Chaturdash Vaktrasys |

|| Om Phaum Sphe Khaphare Hrirtron Hamsaphre ||