

6 Mukhi


It represents to the son of Lord Shiva: Kumar Kartikay.It gives education, knowledge and is very good for student-world. It removes six types of bad characters: Sexual hunger, Anger, Cunningness, Selfishness, Intention to give loss to others and Addiction to Liqour, Tobacoo etc.
It helps toregain the lost memory and gives the electric speed to the brain to recall every thing.It increases confidence, spiritual energy, calibre, memory and the ability to fight the infectious diseases.

It removes all types of skin, heart and eye diseases. It clears off poverty. All astrologers, teachers, lecturers, poets and people of creative job should use 6-mukhi compulsorily.

| Om Hoom Shadha Vastrasya |

|| Om Hreem Shreem Kleem Showm Yam ||