

7 Mukhi


It represents to the Sapta-Rishis. The rishis always work for the betterment of the mankind; in the same way the wearer of the 7-Mukhi rudraksh is blessed in life and leads a successful and safe life.
It is also favourite of 7 goddess: Bramhani, Kameswari, Koumari, Vaishnavi, Indrani and Chamunda. Other than giving knowledge, strength, power & safety it also removes financial, physical, mental and social troubles.

It gives wealth and commercial success for both the businessmen and the employees: private & govt. It is also favorite of powerful snakes. It irradiates the sin of the gold-theft.

| Om Hra Sapta Vaktrasya |

|| Om Hram Kreem Hreem Shaum ||