

Rudraksh Malas


Helps for keeping the body and mind cool. It develops the concenteration. It helps to check eisnophiliya. It works very powerfully for Blood Pressure (B.P). It checks both the high and low blood pressure.
It combination use with spatik it gets more powerful and is the most powerful medecine for Heart-Attack and Sugar (Diabetes). It reduces allergies in the skin.
It helps for ulcers, itching, heat, asthma, other breathing problems etc. It is also used for japa purposes also. It is a favourite of Lord Shiva, Goddess Laxmi and Goddess Gayatri.
The word "Rudra" means Lord Shankar. It is used for japa & wearing purposes. Japa for all Lords, Goddess & Tamsik also done. Available in many sizes from Amla to Pepper size in best quality only.